
Showing posts from May, 2017

How to get up..

So I woke up today finally understanding one more thing about life's little secrets. What to do when you feel like you just can't get up anymore. That down right feeling of total tiredness, how you want to do everything but able to do nothing. That feeling of sleeping is better than getting up. How do we deal with this! On this hand you have loads of people around you, family friends all telling you that you should just do it, stop feeling so this way and stop feeling so that way , start doing this and start doing that., Endlessly you chase every thing they say to make things feel like everyone else feels is right. But I am here to tell you that once you sit, ponder and make an effort of trying to find out how to make things better, the answer WILL INDEED come to you. 7 Years ago I started this blog, wanting to help, inspire and all around motivate others, yet after 7 years I realized that Motivation needs to begin at home, with Yourself... the rest will then fall in pla