
Showing posts from 2011

How to Say YES to NO

How to Say YES to NO This is a post I found written by   Sophie Chiche   and I really thought it was good enough to share with you her article.. I can’t help you move this weekend- I’m writing a book. There’s a novel brewing inside you that you are dying to get on paper, but where’s the time?  Maybe you’ve been waiting to take that cooking class because, let’s face it, you’ve just about exhausted every way of doctoring up mac ‘n cheese.  Or maybe you just need a day of relaxation because you’ve pushed yourself to the limit but, alas, no time.  Where is your time going, anyway? Let’s see…work…eat…sleep…help John move…walk Karen’s dog…take Chris to the airport….wait!  With all this time for other people, where’s the YOU time? You’re a good friend.  You’re Mr. Reliable or Miss Always-There.  We get it. But when you’re the one who needs a favor from you, you don’t have the time. So something’s got to give if you want to live a meaningful life. Learning to say NO to others mig

Can Father son bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt

Some of you already know that I started to run a small bit again and one of my goals I set for my life is to run the Comrades Marathon some day! Well I got around to joining our local club here in Potchefstroom, my home town, Berts Bricks Road Running Club, now since I only started I didn't have enough time to be able to run this years race, but got invited to join the guys that Is going to run to sit in on a service held by one of the churches here for the runners of comrades! They shared the amazing and so touching story about Father and son Bond, the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt! Wow how it made me see so many things in my life different! We my dear friends, with all the circumstances in our lives, STILL have So much to be thankful for!! So off cause I just had to share with you this amazing story and video! Please share it with friends and family! It truly is worth spreading the word!! Can Father son bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt Thank you to the church tonig

Tiny Changes Mean Huge Results by Tony Robbins

Hey my friends! I love video's that brings out a Powerful and Great message, so again I could not resist bringing you this video of Tony Robbins sharing how Tiny Changes Means Huge Results ! Please share this with anyone who you might think need to hear this awesome message! Have yourself a great and Huge Resulting week! Yolandie Olech

Just a quick "Hello" from Yolandie Olech

Hello my Friend! I just wanted to do this quick video saying Hello to you all! Have a great day and awesome week to come!! Yolandie Olech

The Small-Scale Approach to Achieving Great Things

    The Small-Scale Approach to Achieving Great Things       Now I have been spending a lot of my free lately reading other people's article's and listening to some video's and planning to read some books too, just to get a better view of how other people think and go about doing stuff, as you can tell from all my blog post's here the last few weeks.  This Article just caught my eye as it came across being right down to saying what it is, because that is also something I like, I hate it when I read something and half way I just don't have a clue what some people talk about, maybe I am lazy hehe who knows, but I like things to be simple, easy to follow and easy understandable! This is why I wanted to share this article of Scott McIntyre of Vivid Ways  He started of by giving quote: “It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” - Old Chinese prove

How To Unleash A Powerful Life By Leaving by The Author: Peter G. James Sinclair

Hello my dear friends! I stumbled across Author Peter G James Sinclair's blog and started to read his post on Unleashing a Powerful Life by leaving! and it was so good I just had to share it with all of you! Do take a second to read this and share it with your friends and go see what else this man writes about! To traverse to another land across the oceans we must first leave the shore. This is where the adventure begins, where danger lurks, and where possibility is unveiled. However, if we do not leave we will never arrive. It’s as simple as that. To obtain what is better in life we must often let go of what is less than best. This requires faith, belief, and a dose of gumption that immediately sets you apart from the crowd who is too fearful to ever leave the comfort of the familiar. So here are five ‘leaves’, that I have learnt out of my life’s book, that you might like to consider as you continue to embark on your own personal life journey. 1. Leave Your Comfor


LOOK AT YOURSELF AFTER WATCHING THIS My dear Friends! YOU DO NOT NEED ANYMORE INSPIRATION THAN THIS! I didn't even had to watch the whole video the first time for me to immediately wanting to share this story! If I could meet this man in real life it would be such an mind blowing feeling of Thankfulness! for I couldn't be more ashamed of things I complain about that this man could only dream of and yet he still does everything he sets his mind too! I hope that this story gave you tears or at the very most made you want to close your eyes and give thanks for everything you have! May we all rise up to what has been given to us and keep sharing it with others so that the people who may need it at that very moment get to see what is still valuable in their own lives! Have a most blessed and humble day! From your friend Yolandie Olech

Employee Motivation: Elements of Greatness

Just something to think about.... Hope you have Awesome day! Yolandie Olech

How to live your best year ever! by SUCCESS Magazine

This is a pretty cool video that gets you thinking in the right direction. It kinda makes you sit down and look back on what you done last year and how you want to change that for the so much better the year that comes! Now a lot of people make a new years revelation, "starting 1st of January I'm going to do this or going to change that", we don't realize that we don't have to wait for something like the beginning of a year or the beginning of the month or even the next week, its all about realizing that you can change something right now! Like for example, girls like to think that they want to loose some pounds and tend to say "hey this Monday I am starting that diet" ..and to be honest I've lost count how many times I did that and never happened.. we also do the exercising and keeping healthy by going out for a run or visiting the gym in the exact same matter! My friends let me tell you a secret I have come to tried and tested! fr

Moving Windmills: The William Kamkwamba Story

Hey my friends! When I first saw the title of this video I wasn't all that eager to watch it, but I am so glad I did. It show me that with the right determination and mindset of Wanting to do something you can accomplish Great things! How often we tend to give up on something new we started or even before we start, even just the thoughts make us think, nah, that could never work! I wonder how many times I have done that and could've succeeded if I just didn't care what others might think or how others might do it, or even the thought that I am not good enough! That is way I found William's story so inspiring! He went for his thoughts and he didn't care what others might think... lol before i tell all listen to this and reply if you agree :) I hope that more of the strong will that William Kamakwamba has will enter our lives too and make us do great things in the future with! Have a great day and lots of success ! Yolandie Olech

Life Is Like A Cup of Coffee

Hey My friends, When I saw this video I had to share it on my blog! How often we forget or oversee that which is important! I found this Video on YouTube! Have a Great Night and I will speak to you soon! Yolandie Olech

Goals Goals Goals!!!

Hey My Friends me again! Today's Video is from Motivational Speaker Tony Robbins Now this is a Guy you want to listen to! This is a very POWERFUL to know what you are capable of and how to get there! so listen and share this! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I have! Talk to you soon Yolandie Olech

Self Motivation Video!

  Self Motivation Video!!! I like to keep surrounding myself with people and video's, books or stuff that lifts me up! I keep looking constantly for something I can relate to and put my life in that perspective, take a second and just think... how can I improve that part! Well the previous video of David Dettmann was about finding calmness and relaxing for a few minutes! This time I would like to share a "Self Motivation Video" I also found on his site. Go sit in a quiet place , where there is no distractions, or save this link for later, but make the time to listen to this one too!! It's Subtitle being "Go For It", Motivating you to go and do what it is you have either postpone to do or worst, afraid to do!! Let me know your thoughts on this and please comment and share on this post if you have such movies You like!! Thanks for coming to check this out! Talk to you soon Yolandie

Most Relaxing Music Ever!

Hey Everyone! I have been using this music to get me relaxed and recharged the last few weeks and felt that is finally time to share it with you here! I got this link from my friend David Dettmann' s site! Thank you very much David! Hope you enjoy! Comment and share your other relaxing music with me or just share this with your friends!! Talk to you soon Yours in Success! Yolandie Olech

Earth Hour 26 March 2011

Hey my Earth Saving Friends! I haven't been able to do a Post here in some time, so Today is way overdue haha My topic for today's post is "Earth Hour - 26 March 2011" Do you know what it means, well you must live in a cave if you don't! On 26 March 2011 The whole world is joining in to swich all there lights off at 8:30pm to 9:30pm South African Time! "Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries/territories participating. Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, CN Tower in Toronto, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour. In March 2009, hundreds of mi

Funds for Japan

Hey My Friends all over the world! Hope that you all had a calm and much more safe weekend than our beloved friends in Japan :( Our hearts go out to those who have been all over our news this very heartfelt and sad weekend! Being from South Africa we have rarely seen such destructive forces of nature disrupting our life’s, and can not for a second have an idea what one must go through during something like that.. This morning I felt that I wanted to do this post to give my condolences to the families and friends that have lost there loved ones, and of cause there homes and jobs because of the   I also took a few brief moments last night to think of what I can do to help.. With this thought in mind, I already saw a lot of post on facebook, twitter and other various sites where to go and make a donation of just $10 or more if you can! Now my friends I really believe that a mere $10 is really nothing to give if you put yourself in there shoes and think that it could be me nee

15 Surprising Facts About the Self Help Industry

15 Surprising Facts About the Self Help Industry   Hey My Friends all over the world..   Whether you're studying to become a social worker, nutritionist or psychologist, or if you're just stressed to the max yourself and looking for motivation from a supposed professional, you might be tempted to get sucked into the ever-booming self-help industry. And while there are lots of legitimate, caring experts who've developed sensible, effective plans for their clients, there are some surprising things about the industry you may not have realized. Here are 15 facts about the marketing strategies, profits and success of the industry.   Women are the new target audience : All right, maybe this little fact isn't totally surprising. But the intensity with which the industry prowls for female consumers — and virtually ignores male consumers — is still remarkable. If you count prophets like Oprah as major promoters of the self-help industry — and you should — many American women

Teaching is useless to you unless you IMPLEMENT IT!

Hey My friends.. How ironic is it that I got an Email not to long ago, telling me that an Overload of Information may Result in loss of Action, and just this morning, One of the Best Mentors and a person that ranks high in my list of "Listen To This Man" catagory, posted a Great Video on "How to BLOODY “Produce”. (do this & you’ll be a lot more successful + no longer complain or blame) I felt that I needed to share it here on my Blog, For it makes damn good sense :-) as He always does! Go Here! And listen carefully what Mr Jonathan Budd has to say! If you feel this man seems to know what he is Talking about! You are Right! I am a great fan and follower on what he does! Have an awesome day! Keep being Unstoppable! Yolandie Olech

4 Ways to boost your Confidence!

4 Ways to boost your Confidence!                               1. Get Started! You know sitting and waiting for the money to grow on that beautiful tree outside, well that is pretty stupid, but do you know how many people I come across   complaining that the money just don't come in.. and I would ask them these days (where I always agreed) .... "What are you doing to bring money in?" ...and they would look at me like I am crazy and say, "I work my butt of at 'this' or 'that' company".. Okay that is a start, but what else, why do you only work 1job? again I would get the "completely nuts" person look and I would start to giggle! Sure it's hard out there, I know, I work the same 8-5job like anyone else, but have you Really and I mean REALLY, ever took the time and see what else you can do for that little extra income! Again with the Excuses!! ......STOP! Excuses IS what is holding you back! Don't you get that??? Every time you