
Showing posts from December, 2010

The best Training...

Hello My Friends Hope you enjoyed the Holidays and are getting ready for the new year with all the challenges that will be coming on your path, and believe me that there will be challenges.. One of our challenges will be to provide ourselves and our family with food, maybe close and shelter, the basics of cause, but it can be hard sometimes, so you make plans and work on your budget, little changes make big possibilities. Now if your a network marketer you know that there is also a few budget plans you have to make, like learning how the ropes work, come to think of it, that will be in any job and business the FACT! : you can't run your business if you do not know anything about it. And it is shocking how little people still think they can just get up and start to do Business without the proper education and training to do it Right from the start, sure you can learn along the way, but are you getting the best help there is?? Okay with that said, where am I going with this,


Hey my friends.. A few months ago I felt lost and like my life is standing still, then I came across this guy, this opportunity that opened for me, to Understand life and love and everything in life so much more! And yet again My friend Jonathan Budd shared this amazing video with me and I want to share this with you too.. I am a great Fan of this young man's work and   what he is teaching me daily! I watched this and believe me it gave me such a feel Of   POWER! And making me look forward knowing That I am gana let go of all the baggage and Take A Stand In my life So please if you have a few seconds go check out this video's and don't be shy on giving me feedback on it! But I am sure this will inspire you positively like it did me!! Hear is the links, don't just think of it, DO IT and see for yourself!!! The "Relationship Stand"   - Transform one of the most powerful aspects of life Click here! video1 The "Fuel of Life" - How to get ev


Hey Guys!! I did a note on family with a few quotes from different people in it! I would love for you to go check it out! If we are not yet friends on facebook please feel free to add and chat with me at any time!! Click here to go check it out!! Keep well and talk to you soon!! All my friendship Yolandie

End Of The Year already!!!

Hello all my friends out there in the world, this is such a great gift I got for being able to share my thoughts and feelings and knowledge with you, and yes I am seeing this as a Gift I got, an early Christmas present, because This upcoming year being 2011, I get to be the best I can be!!!! See I started this year not a the best mind set, haha no let me just come out and be honest here, I started this year pretty damn crappy! I didn't look forward to the day that comes never mind the full year it was going to be, not even the amazing 2010 Fifa Soccer extravaganza got me exited! I was tired, felt empty and as if my life is ticking by one day, one hour, one minute at a time just going nowhere>>> So how did I become The way I am now? Feeling Great, Pushing forward! Looking forward to every second that my life is still allowing me to be here on earth? Well..... Guess what? I took a chance, I took the courage to make the Change!!! and did it help? Hell yeah!!! I am not l

Accepting Change and Handeling it!

Accepting Things That Change... Here I am, sitting in my living room, starring into my lovely garden thinking how Blessed I am, and how much I love my home! Then I got thinking how much change I had to go through to get here, change that Made me scared at the time, change that was going to turn my life up side down. Yet without me knowing it, going on and letting life take it's course I let my life change for the better , now I could’ve Fight it, could’ve said no, and went another way, but here where I was sitting, i was glad I didn’t, glad I accepted the change and things turn out for the better!! Sometimes Things tend to happen in our daily lives, unexpected things, that make us want to crawl up in bed and die.. But accepting those things, whether its a small change at work, moving to a new house or even a relationship that fell apart, could open unimaginable success and freedom to become stronger and more content with life. Thus we can also control a lot of things that w

Self Confidence

Google the word and it gives you About 24,100,000 results a Pretty mind blowing amount of pages telling you how to build self Confidence, or maintaining it or even how to beat it>>> Now this got me thinking... how is it possible that there are so much help out there for one to help them build self confidence, yet there still is so many that lack it. So where is the problem ?? Self confidence is that thin, and I mean Thin line between thinking you can do anything and thinking that you can't, with THINKING being our main focus here! See all thought we have move towards what we do in the end! Meaning that ALL YOU ARE IS WHAT YOU THINK!! Pretty powerful words! ALL THAT YOU ARE , IS WHAT YOU THINK!! I have a example so I can make this more clear, and you can go test this... I would actually gamble with my name and say that I will guarantee you that if you try this simple test, you Will feel so much better after a few weeks of just doing this! >When you get up in t