End Of The Year already!!!

Hello all my friends out there in the world, this is such a great gift I got for
being able to share my thoughts and feelings and knowledge with you, and yes
I am seeing this as a Gift I got, an early Christmas present, because This
upcoming year being 2011, I get to be the best I can be!!!!

See I started this year not a the best mind set, haha no let me just come out
and be honest here, I started this year pretty damn crappy! I didn't look forward
to the day that comes never mind the full year it was going to be, not even the
amazing 2010 Fifa Soccer extravaganza got me exited!

I was tired, felt empty and as if my life is ticking by one day, one hour, one minute
at a time just going nowhere>>>

So how did I become The way I am now? Feeling Great, Pushing forward!
Looking forward to every second that my life is still allowing me to be here on
earth? Well.....

Guess what? I took a chance, I took the courage to make the Change!!!

and did it help? Hell yeah!!! I am not looking back !!

You see I let myself believe in who I am and that I can do anything I set my
mind to, if I am only willing to go that extra mile, willing to learn from the best!
And letting someone help me for a change!!

Believe me, I hated being helped, I hated the way I felt stupid, yes stupid, because
I am 26 years old and have nothing to show for it, not physical and sure as hell not
mentally. Yes I have gone through a lot of stuff in my life, and experienced a lot, but
none of it was something I can take and tell others, " you know, This is what I did,
and this is what you can do, to make your life better!"

...But now!! now I can sit here and write you this piece, telling you that I found out
how to make your life better and telling you that is the most overlooked thing ever!!!

I have come across so many people that want to take a vacation and saying that
when they do that, they will feel better, or tell me that there is this beautiful dress
they need to buy to make them feel more prettier!! and even once they drive that
sports car, all will change, they will be better at everything, and I would agree, I
was there too once!!

But let me tell you something my friends!! We are SO wrong!!!
We don’t need any of that stuff to be who we want to be or do what we want to do>
You can do that stuff NOW! RIGHT NOW  without all that wasting of precious

Don't get me wrong I would love to drive my dream car and go to Miami for a
3 week vacation! But first I Had to make some changes!

I had to find myself and know that when I work hard, that will come! That will be in
my life if I change how I think, know that I am good enough to set some goals
and actually achieve it!

Believe me, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would feel this way ever again,
I feel happy without driving a nice car ;-) and for those that know me personally,
you know what my car looks like hehe, I feel happy with knowing that i might not
make all my bills this month, yet I know that somehow, someway I will be able to
do by planning and not stressing and moaning about it. Putting my trust into
myself and my abilities to handle any challenges that comes my way!

Haha I feel so good even just writing this to you and sharing it!!

okay so now you know that it is possible, I am a walking talking prove piece of it!!

But how did I do this?? Deciding that I wanted to and actually putting pen to paper!!

Getting the right "WHY" WHY do I want to change my life, what is it that I would
like to see actually happen!! and then DOING IT!!!!!!

DOING IT!!!, because if you don’t start somewhere all that you think you want to
change all that you dream about having won't happen!! that i promise you, maybe
only if you play the LOTTO, but also there you have to go and PLAY it before
you can just win it, and what’s the chances of that happening, i will rather take my
chances, put it in my own hands, work a little harder and be guaranteed of making
a success!!!

Now you probably dying to know how I can be so confident, well I didn't come up
with all this myself here , no I had help, and lots of it with many different people!!!

So I am leaving you with a few links to go check out:, its links I used to change my
life one day at a time.

Please use the free gift and let me help you change your life for the better!

Have a fabulous day and wonderful weekend!!!



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