Self Confidence

Google the word and it gives you About 24,100,000 results

a Pretty mind blowing amount of pages telling you how to build self
Confidence, or maintaining it or even how to beat it>>>

Now this got me thinking... how is it possible that there are so much help out
there for one to help them build self confidence, yet there still is so many that
lack it. So where is the problem ??

Self confidence is that thin, and I mean Thin line between thinking you can
do anything and thinking that you can't, with THINKING being our main focus

See all thought we have move towards what we do in the end!


Pretty powerful words! ALL THAT YOU ARE , IS WHAT YOU THINK!!

I have a example so I can make this more clear, and you can go test this...
I would actually gamble with my name and say that I will guarantee you that
if you try this simple test, you Will feel so much better after a few weeks
of just doing this!

>When you get up in the morning and the first thought is "ugh another day"
 I will promise you that it will feel as if your whole day is wrong and everything
 you try to  do will turn out being wrong if that is your mindset you get started
 with! How can it not?, I mean you get up not seeing that you have gotten the
 great privilege of having another day to spent with your family, with your friends,
 another day to be able to GO and Reach for your Goals and achieve them!
 Another day to be able to be thankful for what you have that so many others

 But If you wake up with the MIND SET of  Thankfulness to be 'Here' and
 Thankfulness that you got the full power in YOU to do whatever it is your
 heart and your soul strive to do! Then and only Then my friend would you
 take everyday with Full Confidence and make all the goals that is set out
 for you!

Now don't get me wrong, even with the Right Mindset, there will be a few
challenges in your day, but You will be able to handle each and every challenge
with the complete faith in Yourself for being able to face it and kick that challenge
in the butt!!!!

I can spend my whole day here, telling you and giving you tips on what to do, but
It WILL NOT happen if you don't give yourself that opportunity to Commit yourself to
be able to test just that one small thing!

Now you are probably thinking "what makes you such an expert" or even
"easy for you to say" but that I can promise you that i am not an Expert or even
close to being one, but my Mindset is Right and My Faith in myself is so good
that I believe in what I will decide to do in the future Will Be a Complete success!
See I didn't just wake up one day and had all the confidence in the world haha
no not at all, It took me one single slow step at a time and with the help of an
amazing Friend and Mentor, I get to do what I love and loving every single ticking
second of it!

My days literally feels like it have meaning again and that anything is possible
if you get the right Mind Set and Believe in yourself..

So bla bla bla you still think I am just talking and not giving you any help yourself
get The Full Mindset, well here is my little secret! I could just keep all this to
myself and not share with you how I got to where I am today!!

Remember I told you about Mr Jonathan Budd? Well see he created this
amazing and So fulfilling Club to helping you transform yourself into thinking
That you can Do ANYTING and I do mean anything!

But don't wait for me to give away all the details, go check out his sort Free
Video he made to give you the path to finding your self confidence!!

You have absolutely nothing to loose and everything to gain by taking just
a few minutes and seeing what i mean!

So To Your Success and Self Confidence Soaring and Taking New Heights!!!

All my Thoughts till we chat again!!


P.S please leave me a thought of yourself and letting me know what you
       think of the Video and also add me to your Facebook page so we can
       chat a bit more!!!


Unknown said…
Hi Yolandie,

First of all, I'd like to say that I'm very glad that I stumbled on your blog. " a fellow one using blogger too :) "

Anyway, I like this article as it talks about "Self-Confidence", the way we think about things or ourselves. In this industry or whatever you're going through, Having the right mindset or ability to think positively, is a "crucial factor" which determines our SUCCESS.

I totally agree with you Yolandie, everything that you've come-up here is so important that we must work-out first.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts! I'd be glad to share this one too with my tribe.

Nice day to start! Godspeed!

All the Best,

Homer :)
Dennis Marsch said…
Hi Yolandie
Nice post like the cat and lion. Yes Jonathan Budd puts out really great material. We are a product of what we believe and it is possible to take hold of our thoughts.

Robert Kiyosaki says for every ten minutes we stop and think we save a hundred hours of labor.

I believe a lot of self confidence comes from becoming learn-ed.
Yolandie said…
Hey Homer & Dennis!

Thank you so much for reading my post and also leaving your thoughts here! It means alot to know that what I think and Feel can be a start to what I and so many others can do!! I will do my best to keep it up and make the differance where I can!!!

I am not also a student of Jonathan Budd but i work with a great team Called MSS that help make my dreams come true and also help me to help others do the same!

Anyone is more than welcome and if you have a friend or someone you know that could need a helping hand, give me a shout, I would love to help them too!!

All success to us!
Hi Yolandie,

Thank you for contacting me on facebook. yes, we do have mutual friends. i see you found my kitty and lion. i use that regular in posts. In fact my very good friend Dale used it in a video about having the right mindset.

A mindset of a champion. So many of us are sensing that personal development with mindset training is crucial these days as the internet world opens up to what we have to offer.

We need to give value to brand ourselves as a leader. Having leadership qualities and directing others to them is very cool and important. i love your setting here on your blog. keep up the good work. Please head over to my fan page, caryn elizabeth, and like it.

If you have places i can visit let me know. I'm here to be a support to mentors like yourself. There is much we can learn from each other. This world would just not be the same without Yolandie! Be blessed to be a blessing!
Caryn Elizabeth

click the link. I sent you a song.

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