Moving Windmills: The William Kamkwamba Story

Hey my friends!

When I first saw the title of this video I wasn't all that eager to watch it, but I am so glad I did. It show me that with the right determination and mindset of Wanting to do something you can accomplish Great things!

How often we tend to give up on something new we started or even before we start, even just the thoughts make us think, nah, that could never work! I wonder how many times I have done that and could've succeeded if I just didn't care what others might think or how others might do it, or even the thought that I am not good enough!

That is way I found William's story so inspiring! He went for his thoughts and he didn't care what others might think... lol before i tell all listen to this and reply if you agree :)

I hope that more of the strong will that William Kamakwamba has will enter our lives too and make us do great things in the future with!

Have a great day and lots of success!
Yolandie Olech


Ed Yaw said…
That's an awesome video Yolandie,

Very inspiring for anyone if more people would take their dreams and make them realities the world would be a much nicer place.
Yolandie Olech said…
I agree Ed! Thank you for taking the time to watch it!

Keep well!

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