Can Father son bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt

Some of you already know that I started to run a small bit again and one of my goals I set for my life is to run the Comrades Marathon some day!

Well I got around to joining our local club here in Potchefstroom, my home town, Berts Bricks Road Running Club, now since I only started I didn't have enough time to be able to run this years race, but got invited to join the guys that Is going to run to sit in on a service held by one of the churches here for the runners of comrades!

They shared the amazing and so touching story about Father and son Bond, the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt!

Wow how it made me see so many things in my life different! We my dear friends, with all the circumstances in our lives, STILL have So much to be thankful for!!

So off cause I just had to share with you this amazing story and video!
Please share it with friends and family!
It truly is worth spreading the word!!

Can Father son bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt

Thank you to the church tonight for sharing this and my friends from the running club inviting me to be able to see this!

Have an amazing and blessed week!
and remember that you also CAN!!

Yolandie Olech


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