Plans are Nothing but Planning is Everything!

Hey my Friends

How often do we get up thinking this is what I want to do today, and at night
You get in bed realising that you didn't get around to doing just that…                         you get that a lot??

yeah I know me too,  see the key is Planning! Having dreams, setting goals are Great,
But doing just that is not going to bring you anywhere near the dream or reaching
that goal!

It often Takes a Great deal of Planning and Hard work to make that Dream and
Goal a Success!

You have got to sit down, really Plan to make things happen, just starring at a golf ball
and even imagining it going far over the field and even into that tiny whole is optimistic really but believe me unless you actually take a swing at it,  that little golf ball is staying right there in that mark! Even seeing how the ball rolls into the whole is not gana happen after a great deal of Practise!

Ask any Golfer, ask any other person who is a professional in a Sport! You only need
10% talent but 90% needs to be Practise!

In life and in Business it works the same! It doesn't matter what you do or how crap
you think your job is, If you put yourself in what your doing with 90% of hard work, you  are going to see Super amazing results!

.....plans are nothing but static documents,
 yet planning is a responsive and dynamic action that brings focus to uncertainty...

Another example is taking a trip or vacation, having the plans of wanting to go is just
the tip of the iceberg, you have to start planning on how to save up the money, where
you going to stay, what you are going to eat, how you are getting there, via car or plane..

so you see, nothing you do in life is just about having a plan, or having a dream or having
a goal, you are going to have to work hard to reach every single one of them.

Just a while back I started running again, and I have this dream of running a 89km race, I have set my goals of what , when and how much practise I need, but boy oh boy, let me tell you something, even just having a hobby as a plan takes effort! Getting up in the morning or going running after work takes a pretty darn good positive mindset!!!
I get myself making so many excuses for not going that its really something to be shy
about haha, but you know, after that run I feel so Amazing I think I could do anything!

That is seriously how powerful your mind works! So Remember that in anything you
do, Plans are Nothing, But Planning is Everything..

Work hard at your Plans and the Results will show in a
Positive Way

I hope that you got just a little glimpse of the point I wanted to make here today!

Have the most amazing Day (and soon to be weekend) ever!!

Yours in Success and Motivation
Yolandie Olech

P.S Remember that our 3rd Video in the Free 3 Part Series of "Unstoppable Entrepreneur" is going live later today, If you haven't leave me your name and email in the box above this text, Please,  Please do! We want to make our Dreams and Goals come true as soon as possible and what better way to do it, than with the help of a Great Successful and Motivational Mentor Mr Jonathan Budd!!   Remember Plans are Nothing but Planning is Everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk to you all soon!


Unknown said…
Great Post Yolandie..:)..I love the way you described your point with your headline and with your content.And I agree with you..I have seen hugely talented people not doing well or progressing with life/business/job only because they were not disciplined..They were just not living up to their potential and capability because they were arrogant!.They were not taking the time out to work hard and have a day to day plan to achieve their goals.So Talent without Discipline just does not work!..:)
Yolandie Olech said…
Thanks for your input Adil!

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